Usage Tracking

Monitoring your API usage is essential to ensure you stay within your subscription limits and optimize your usage. The ForVoyez API provides tools to track your usage statistics, monitor quotas and limits, and receive alerts and notifications.

API Usage Statistics

To view your API usage statistics:

  1. Sign in to your ForVoyez account and navigate to the Dashboard.
  2. Click on the "Usage" tab in the sidebar.
  3. On the usage tracking page, you'll find:
  • Total API requests made
  • Usage history and trends
  • Top consuming applications or integrations

Use these insights to understand your API usage patterns, identify peak usage periods, and make informed decisions about your subscription plan.

Quota and Limit Tracking

To monitor your API usage against your subscription quotas and limits:

  1. Sign in to your ForVoyez account and navigate to the Dashboard.
  2. Click on the "Usage" tab in the sidebar.
  3. On the usage tracking page, you'll see:
  • Your current subscription plan and its limits
  • Visual indicators of approaching or exceeded limits
  • Link to upgrade your subscription for higher limits

Keep an eye on your quota and limit tracking to avoid any disruptions in service due to exceeding your limits.

Alerts and Notifications

ForVoyez provides alerts and notifications to keep you informed about your API usage and help you stay within your limits. You can configure alerts and notifications settings to receive:

  • Email notifications when you reach a certain percentage of your quota
  • Daily or weekly usage summary reports

To set up alerts and notifications:

  1. Sign in to your ForVoyez account and navigate to the Dashboard.
  2. Click on the "Usage" tab in the sidebar.
  3. Scroll down to the "Alerts and Notifications" section.
  4. Configure your desired alerts and notification channels.
  5. Save your settings.

Stay proactive and informed about your API usage with timely alerts and notifications.

Next Steps

  • Review your Subscription and Billing details to ensure you have the appropriate plan for your usage needs
  • Explore the Online Tools available in the dashboard to optimize your API integration
  • Contact our Support Team if you have any questions or concerns about your API usage

By actively monitoring your usage statistics, quotas, and limits, and leveraging alerts and notifications, you can ensure a smooth and uninterrupted experience with the ForVoyez API.